What is Biodynamics?
In 1924, philosopher and scientist Rudolf Steiner presented a series of lectures that laid the foundation for Biodynamic Agriculture as it is practiced today. At the core of these lectures is the understanding that the Earth is a complex living system. Unlike many of the scientists of the 19th century who proposed mechanistic explanations of natural phenomena, Steiner took a holistic view, acknowledging the energetic and spiritual dimensions of the earth as well.
While Steiner’s agriculture lectures are detailed and wide-ranging, they are also practical, equipping farmers with a toolkit of four main principles: 1. Using preparations to enliven the soil and the farm ecosystem, 2. Treating the farm as a living organism, 3. Observing cosmic rhythms and influences in our everyday work, and 4. Developing a spiritual connection to the land. It is through these practices that we develop farms that are ethical, sustainable, and pulsing with life.
We encourage you to take the time to read more about each of these principles below and incorporate them into your own farm or home garden.